Monday, June 04, 2007

Part III: A Win-Win Solution, conclusion

Create an Exit Incentive Program

In conjunction with efforts to improve conditions in their native lands, an incentive program should be implemented to encourage those here illegally to return home. For a one year period, any individual here illegally with no additional criminal behavior should be offered a monetary incentive to leave voluntarily.

The program would require positive identification, fingerprinting and DNA samples to guarantee that no one could receive more than a single incentive. In addition, each recipient would be required to sign a statement acknowledging their status, their receipt of the incentive, and their understanding and agreement that, should they be caught in this country illegally again, they will be subject to an automatic ten year prison sentence, without benefit of trial. In return, they would receive a voucher upon leaving the country that could be redeemed at a bank in their native land, upon presentation of positive proof of identification and verification by the United States. Anyone who participated in this program would permanently forfeit eligibility for the guest worker program, but would retain the right to apply to legally immigrate to the United States and potentially attain citizenship, through the same channels and with the same requirements as any other immigrant.

For those immigrants who are legitimately poverty stricken and seeking a better life for their families, an incentive of $5,000 for an individual and up to $15,000 for a family, coupled with the improving conditions in their homeland, would be a powerful inducement to depart, particularly when combined with the final major element in the reform plan – absolute intolerance for illegal immigration.

Implement a Zero Tolerance Illegal Immigration Policy

The security of our nation demands that we be able to track who is in the country. It is intolerable that approximately one in every twenty individuals living on our soil (five percent of 300,000,000 is 15,000,000 – about the number of illegal aliens by current estimates) is unidentified and completely unaccountable to our government. Intense efforts to dramatically reduce this ratio must be implemented. Following the one year grace period of the Exit Incentive program, illegal immigration should be severely punished.

The laws against employing those here illegally must be absolutely enforced. With a legitimate and effective guest worker program in place, there will be no excuse for employers to hire outside the program. Significant fines and punishments including jail time, for employers as well as illegal employees, should be available to our officials to enforce these laws.

Our constitution must be amended to eliminate anchor babies. Any child born to parents who are in this country illegally must be considered an illegal as well, and deported along with the parents.

Any individual caught residing in or trying to enter the country illegally must be immediately deported, without benefit of trial. A second offense should be punishable by a year in prison followed by deportation, third and successive violations should incur ten years imprisonment. Any individual convicted of any felony crime while in the country illegally should be sentenced to ten years prison time in addition to the prescribed punishment for their offense. Anyone violating immigration laws would permanently forfeit eligibility for the guest worker program, legal immigration and citizenship.

Absolutely no government assistance of any kind should be available to those here illegally. Those who choose to violate our laws must do so at their own peril and must bear full consequences for their actions. Only through absolute enforcement can we provide sufficient deterrent to eliminate this dangerous and extremely costly problem. Only by eliminating all enticement to come to this country illegally can we protect the sovereignty of our nation and the rights of her citizens.

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