Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thank You Armed Forces!

Thanks to your tireless sacrifice, we hereby declare Victory in Iraq!

Congratulations to all, and please accept our deepest gratitude and eternal respect.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Hey, Barack! We're not for sale!

Senator Obama, you missed the point.

This country wasn't founded to give away free college educations, guaranteed housing or universal health care. This country, unique in the world, was founded to give opportunity. You see, the whole idea was to create a place where men, and women, of all colors and persuasions, could choose their own futures by virtue of their own abilities and desire. The plan was to create an environment highly favorable to the human spirit and to allow the individual the space to produce. It was never intended that we expect something for nothing here. We ask not for handouts, but offer a hand up to those around us in need. We take care of our own. We work hard, and strive to provide more for our families. We do these things because we are good people and because we know that our successes will be first our own, not because those we elect to protect our rights choose instead to take them away.

With this freedom comes personal responsibility. It is the duty, and right, of every citizen of this country to make their own future to the best of their ability. There will always be those who lack the ability to care for themselves, and it is our responsibility to assist them. But if we are to be our brothers' keepers, it should be by our choice, not yours. If we work hard and do well, we should be allowed to determine how our earnings are distributed, not a bunch of crooked bureaucrats in Washington D.C. You call it selfishness - we call it the only workable system of governance. Only if we have hope that we can change our own futures do we have a reason to try. Who would do anything if there were no ultimate reward? Where would we be as a nation if there were no incentive to work? That's what it's all about, Senator. You've been reading the wrong books - put down the Alinsky and pick up Ayn Rand.

You see, you and Karl Marx have it exactly backward. The line should read, "To each according to his ability, from each according to his need." Think about it.

Sorry, Barack. You can't have our American Dream.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obama - Serving His Constituents

For months we have heard about all the little people who are contributing to the Obama campaign. Each month, when fundraising numbers are released, we are told that the vast majority of these donations came in $10 or $25 increments. If this is the case, it is likely that many of these donors really could not afford the donation they made - that they gave up something, made a personal sacrifice, to support the candidate they believe in so strongly.

Obama claims to be the candidate who will improve the standing of the poor. The foundation of his candidacy is his desire to lift people out of poverty, to provide hope for the hopeless. It is an idea which has sold well, as his millions of small donors shows. These people believe in this man and believe that he has their best interests at heart. They have given up their hard-earned (or government gifted?) dollars to support the ideal of a leader who is "one of them" - who understands their plight and will change their lives for the better.

While this all sounds very high-minded and inspirational, consider the reality of Senator Obama's, and his wife, Michelle's, conduct. Last Thursday, Obama was invited to attend the Alfred E. Smith Memorial fundraiser at the Waldorf-Astoria, a presidential campaign tradition. The room rates at the Waldorf-Astoria start at $599.00 a night, and go up to $799.00 for a one bedroom suite. While hotels in New York are unquestionably expensive, certainly it would have been possible for the Obamas to locate accomodations nearby that would have shown more respect for the value of their donors' contributions. Instead, they treated themselves to a night at the Waldorf. If we assume the rate they paid for this room was an average of the rates above, they spent between 28 and 70 of those $10 to $25 contributions to pay for this room. Of course, we know that they were not the only representatives of the campaign present in the hotel - there had to be security people there, aides, etc., but lacking exact numbers of persons, or rooms, it is impossible to determine the real cost of this extravagence.

If merely choosing to stay at this pricey hotel is not enough evidence of the immense hubris of Senator and Mrs. Obama, let us consider the afternoon snack Michelle ordered from room service.

Suppose you were a donor to the Obama campaign. Suppose you had scrimped on your household budget, month after month, to squeeze out ten dollars a month to contribute to this man, and you learned that nearly seven months of your donations, seven months of your sacrifice, had been thoughtlessly plunked down for nothing more than the delivery charge for this "snack"! Suppose your family had eaten fish sticks instead of hamburger to save this money, and you learned that the Obamas are having a "snack" that costs more than you spend on groceries to feed your family for a month.

The Obamas' complete disregard of their supporters is a clue to the attitude we could expect should this couple occupy the White House. They obviously do not see themselves as "one of us" - they deserve much more than we could ever dream of having. They obviously have no concerns about personal economy or wise spending; extrapolated to the nation, this is a frightening prospect. Combined with the class warfare rhetoric that is a central fixture of Obama's stump speech, this minor incident foretells a policy of high taxes and wasteful spending unlike any we have ever known in this country.

At this moment in our nation's history, we need Ebenezer Scrooge, not Marie Antoinette, in the White House.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Joe the Plumber, Joe America

Joe the Plumber is just a guy. He could be Bob the Fry Cook, or Jenny the Sales Clerk, or Juan the Barber. It doesn't matter.

The media have been doing their own plumbing job on Joe, telling us that he is not what he pretends to be. What does he pretend to be? Did he ask Barack Obama to thrust him into the national spotlight? Did he make any claim that he currently earned more than $250,000 a year? And, more importantly, why does any of that matter?

Joe is really Joe America. He could not be Joe France, or Joe Kenya, or Joe Venezuela. But, because he had the good fortune of being born in the United States of America, he has something billions of people around the world do not - a dream.

Only in America is Joe possible. Joe is just a little guy now, but he has big plans. He plans to acquire a business, improve his standard of living and that of his family, and hire workers, creating jobs that will move our economy forward. He is not asking for help or handouts, he does not expect it to be easy. Joe is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, and he knows that his success rests in his own hands. No where else on earth does the general population have the opportunity to create success the way we, as Americans, do.

There is a reason for the phrase "The American Dream." Note that you have never heard that phrase with any other country's name substituted for America - there is no Norwegian Dream or Russian Dream. But the American Dream - it is sought by millions of people, in every country, and represents an ideal that was born when this nation was born; an ideal that has given unparalleled hope to generations. The American Dream. It means different things to each of us, but the overarching meaning is clear and universal - it is the ability to advance one's standing, to improve the conditions in which one lives, to have a better tomorrow. It is the product of freedom, unthinkable in the absence of liberty. Only in America can the poor become the wealthy through hard work, dedication and personal responsibility. This has been a cornerstone of our nation since its inception over 230 years ago.

Joe understands this. He doesn't want handouts or material support, he doesn't expect anyone to make his path easy for him. He wants only that which has been the birthright of every American since the beginning - the freedom and opportunity to make his own American Dream come true. He understands that the true purpose of government is to protect his rights, not limit them. He doesn't believe that he should be punished for his hard work and personal sacrifices, but should be allowed to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

In the end, that's what this election is all about. Personal freedom, personal responsibility. The media would have us believe that Joe is a phony, because he isn't already a business owner, and doesn't fit their definition of wealthy. In fact, Joe is wealthy beyond their wildest imaginings. Joe has his American Dream.

Maybe Joe will never own his own business. Maybe he will never earn a quarter of a million dollars a year. Maybe his dreams will fall short. As long as those shortcomings are of Joe's own making, so be it. If Joe isn't willing to work hard enough, or to be thrifty enough, to make his own dreams come true, then he will have no one to blame but himself. But if politicians, through their policies and laws, rob Joe of his dream, it is a very different thing.

When politicians overstep their role as protectors and presume to have superior insight to those they govern, freedom suffers. When laws are passed mandating that the productive few are responsible for the livelihood of the fruitless masses, liberty grieves. When all incentive to succeed is purloined, the American Dream will die. Without our dreams, we cease to be exceptional. Without our dreams, we cease to be.

We are all Joe. Each of us, whatever our skill or standing, wants more for our children, a better future. That is the very essence of the American spirit. The fact that it remains possible for us is our greatest gift, one that we should never take lightly. Obama's desire to "spread the wealth around" is more accurately a quest to strip this nation of its soul against which each of us should rail mightily. With his simple question, Joe the Plumber stripped aside all the rhetoric and platitudes, and illuminated the ugly truth for all to see. Our dreams are not safe in the hands of Barack Obama. And if we give up our dreams, we die.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What McCain Needs to Say

When John McCain is given the opportunity to make an opening statement at the third and final Presidential Debate scheduled for this coming Wednesday evening, this is what he should say.

Thank you, Bob Schieffer, and thanks to the fine people of Hofstra University for inviting us to your excellent campus this evening. My friends, the topic of this evening's debate is the economy, an excellent choice given the grave problems currently confronting our nation and the world. I have a comprehensive plan for dealing with the current economic crisis, and am most anxious to have the opportunity to share the details with you.

However, as I have travelled across our country recently, talking to thousands of good, hard-working Americans about their concerns and the trials they face, they have expressed other concerns that trouble them even more than the economy. I could not responsibly present myself as an advocate for the American people were I to turn a deaf ear to these concerns.

Senator Obama, the American people are troubled. They feel that you are not being fully honest and forthcoming about your past, your beliefs or your associations. They fail to understand why you have not released your birth certificate, college publications and transcripts or medical records. They want to understand how you could champion an organization like ACORN that they believe is cheapening their most basic right, the right to vote. They do not have friends like Weathermen terrorist Bill Ayers, or clergymen who express radical anti-American views like Jeremiah Wright. They do not do business with convicted felons like Tony Rezko.

Americans are troubled by your votes against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, and the more than one hundred times that you voted present while in the Illinois Senate. They understand that a President does not have the luxury of voting present; a President must make tough, often unpopular decisions to protect the people he leads. They are uncomfortable with the lack of judgment you have shown in crisis, as when Russia invaded the sovereign territory of its free and democratic neighbor, Georgia, and your lack of understanding of the need to reign in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before they could lead to today's economic emergency.

They have pleaded with me to ask you these questions, Senator, and I gave them my word that I would. So, while I sincerely hope that we can devote this evening to an in-depth comparison of our ideas on turning the American economy around, it is incumbent upon me to put forward these issues that are of such paramount importance to the voters. With all due respect, Senator, the American people would like to hear your explanation for these things.

Thank you.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Go Ahead...Call Me a Racist

Productive Americans are angry.

The global economy is in total meltdown. We are watching our savings plans evaporate before our very eyes, while governments around the world throw billion after billion of taxpayer dollars (OUR dollars! As if the losses we're already taking aren't enough!) on economic problems that are threatening to annihilate life as we know it. It's like fighting a forest fire with a squirt gun.

I am not responsible for this crisis. I am not, in any way, a contributor to this crisis. I pay my bills. I have a mortgage on my house that, in twenty years, has never missed a payment. It's not that I'm rich, it's that I'm responsible. If I can't afford new clothes (I can't) or don't have the price of a movie or meal at my favorite restaurant (I don't), I do without. I have a number of credit cards, none of which carry a balance from month to month, and none of which have ever been paid a single day late. In short, I believe in personal responsibility.

This whole financial crisis began as a Democrat social engineering project. In the name of fairness, Democrats in Congress, aided first by Jimmy Carter, then Bill Clinton in the White House, passed laws which, in a nutshell, forced banks to lend to people who had no business borrowing money. It is, of course, a lot more complicated than that...if you want to watch an excellent video that explains the whole mess in detail, click here. My goal is not to explain the technical details, but the spirit of the problem.

Congressional Democrats, in a bid to further cement the votes of minorities, passed laws that facilitated the acquisition of ridiculously large mortgages by people with ridiculously small qualifications. Some of these people were undoubtedly misused by greedy lenders who had nothing to lose on the deal. Some were simply unrealistic and believed they would be able to make the enormous payments when they finally came due. Others were unscrupulous speculators, gambling on the rising values of real estate to secure their own personal fortunes. And many were downright dishonest - they knew at the outset that they wouldn't be able to meet the obligation they were making, and didn't care. We now know that there are, literally, millions of bad mortgages out there that were given to illegal immigrants, with fake or stolen Social Security numbers and no credit history...many with no job. None of them, however, were believers in personal responsibility. None of them gave any serious thought to consequences.

And, of course, the Democrats' ploy was successful - they won the votes, and consequently, the power, they sought. Now, when their house of cards has crumbled, they have the unmitigated gall to point fingers at Republicans and blame deregulation for the crisis.

The only sin of the Republicans in this matter was their relative silence, borne of a lack of understanding of the repercussions and scope of the problem. Few of us are economic experts, and there are fewer still in Congress. The warnings were there, but those sounding them didn't scream loudly enough to get the point across to the blowhards who could have changed the situation. I do hold the Republicans responsible, but to a much smaller degree than their counterparts across the aisle.

The Democrats, however, should be prosecuted for this offense. Their complete disregard for playing by the rules is criminal. Through their actions, they have caused millions (billions?) of people to lose large portions of their retirement accounts, put people out of business, even caused murders and suicides. Their relentless pursuit of power, at any cost, has resulted in a cost far too big for the world to bear. Greed, stupidity and ego are not excuses - these people are the worst kind of criminals.

From the very beginning of this crisis, Barack Obama has been in it up to his neck. He worked training representatives for ACORN in Chicago in the early 90's who went on to protest in banks and force formerly responsible, intelligent bankers to give loans to the downtrodden poor, when any fool could see that the loan was not deserved. Obama actively promoted this practice, used his position on charitable boards to help fund it, and now has the audacity to sell himself as qualified for the highest office in the land, the man who will "change" it all. The man is a socialist, a fraud and a liar unlike any this nation has ever seen competing for the office of president.

And now, in less than four weeks, we have an election. And the very downtrodden, underprivileged people who share no small part of the blame for our current situation will, once again, turn out in hordes to vote for their champions. This in spite of all the stories that we read about the very objects of their adoration disrespecting them, looking down their elite noses at the soiled masses. The throngs of poor, underprivileged people who pay no taxes, and less attention, who go through life with their hands out, seeking gifts they apparently believe they deserve simply because they exist, will turn out to vote for the criminals who have made their careers by legislating these gifts. And, because their numbers have grown dramatically while the numbers of the responsible have dwindled, large numbers of the criminals will be returned to office, to continue their Robin Hood ways, robbing those who produce to give to those who do not. Anyone who dares to try to point out the untenable position they take is labelled a racist. Quite a convenient little arrangement they have here - they use their handouts to create a permanent welfare class, they foment racism by painting every criticism as racist. They use their influence with the teachers' union to insure that a good education is not available to help the victims rise above it all, they regulate, confiscate and control the very life out of the people they are supposed to represent.

I don't care what color a person happens to be. Never in my life have I made a decision about a person on the basis of their skin color. But no one has the right to take my hard earned income without my permission. The knowledge that there are millions of people in this country who have no stake in the future, who pay no taxes, own no property and have no self respect, who can vote for people who will appropriate my income and seek to control my very freedom infuriates me beyond belief. I have no use for the uninformed, and less for the devious. The Democrats in Congress are both.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Letter to the White House

Over the years, I have been a staunch defender and supporter of President Bush.

I adamantly disagreed, before the fact, with the decision to invade Iraq, but have defended the decision loud and strong, and pulled as hard as any American for our wonderful Armed Forces. I believe President Bush has been an admirable Commander In Chief, and I will forever be grateful for his strength in the face of so much adversity from within and without.

However, the spending increases in this Administration are absolutely unforgivable. I have watched in horror as Republicans, Republicans!, have taken this country to the cleaners with the prescription drug plan and a host of other irresponsible fiscal decisions. I have been appalled by the enormous budget increases year upon year. Conservatism has taken a hit in the last eight years not seen in a Republican Administration in my lifetime. As a fiscal conservative, I feel horribly betrayed.

Now, we have an issue that could win back the House, and save us from a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. CRA and the Democratic machinations that have been the primary factor in this financial crisis are more powerful than any issue we have ever had to use against them. And our leaders are silent. God Bless the House Republicans who still remember the principles on which this Great Nation were founded! They are yelling, at the top of their lungs, going against their President, against the party's nominee for President, against all the House leadership, to try to salvage whatever few scraps of true American spirit still remain in this spineless population. But their voices are largely going unheard. This Administration has nothing left to lose. In 112 days, it will be over. This is your last chance to save this country from the ever increasing socialist tendencies of Congress.

We have supported you for eight long years. We have argued the case for Iraq when it appeared certain to all that it was a lost cause. We have stood proudly with the Republican Party, donating our time and money to advance the cause. And now, for all our efforts, we are being kicked in the teeth and told that this unbelievably irresponsible government, fraught with corruption, special interests and lust for power, knows better than we do, better than the economic experts, and will save us all.

I personally lost thousands of dollars from my 401k in the stock market decline yesterday. I watched as the Dow plummeted, with a huge grin on my face, because I so completely supported the refusal of those few brave souls in the House of Representatives to sell out. I would lose every nickel of it, and take my chances on my own future, because I still believe in the America of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and Nathan Hale. Unlike our elected leaders, I still have my principles, and no one can take that from me.

It is time to take a stand, Sir. It is time to speak out against this horrible bailout, to point fingers at Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and, yes, Barack Obama, the three men most responsible for putting this Great Nation in its current position. It is time to return to the principles on which this country was founded. It is time to remember how we became the greatest country on Earth, and to return to the ideals that brought us this far. It is time for our Government to remember that it is of the people, by the people and for the people. It is time to do the right thing for your country.

Best personal regards,

April Clark

Friday, September 26, 2008

Schooling the Young'un

During tonight's Presidential Debate, John McCain repeatedly noted that Senator Obama did not understand various issues. In most of these cases, Senator McCain did an admirable job of explaining the difference in Senator Obama's understanding of the situation and his own. In one, however, it seemed that he was being a bit peevish, perhaps even nitpicky.

In response to McCain's criticism of Obama's failure to support the surge, or even to acknowledge its success, Obama replied, "They have done a brilliant job, and General Petraeus has done a brilliant job. But understand, that was a tactic designed to contain the damage of the previous four years of mismanagement of this war."

Senator McCain jumped on this, beginning his next remarks with, "I'm afraid Senator Obama doesn't understand the difference between a tactic and a strategy."

I must confess, neither did I. Tactic, strategy, they're essentially the same thing, right? Wrong.

According to, when applied to things military, the words have very different meanings indeed:

In military usage, a distinction is made between strategy
and tactics.
Strategy is the utilization, during both peace and war, of
all of a nation's forces, through large-scale, long-range
planning and development, to ensure security or victory.
Tactics deals with the use and deployment of troops in
actual combat.

Is this just a trivial detail? Not when it comes to commanding the respect of the military you are elected to lead. A commander-in-chief who doesn't appreciate the difference between a stratgy and a tactic is little different from the woman who takes her car to the shop and tells them that a doohickey fell off her motor. They get no respect.

A man incapable of gaining the respect of the military has no business presenting himself as a candidate for the position of Commander-In-Chief.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why Palin's Experience Is Enough

When John McCain announced his selection of Sarah Palin as a running mate, there was an immediate, palpable reaction from the nation. Journalists and politicos of all stripes were thrown completely off balance by the unprecedented nature of the pick, particularly given that it was made by a Republican, rather than a progressive Democrat. The general populace suddenly took notice of a political process that had faded to background noise due in large part to the sheer unending nature of campaign politics in recent years. In the ensuing days, media and voter alike have struggled to define how the addition of Governor Palin alters the race for the White House. Perhaps the biggest question of all concerns her experience.

It is legitimate to question whether a relative newcomer to national politics is adequate to the office she seeks. Indeed, it would be irresponsible to do otherwise. But assessing her readiness to serve as Vice President, and, potentially, President and Commander-In-Chief requires a baseline, a definition of what we deem to be the requirements for the position. It would be unreasonable to demand a complete understanding of all aspects of the job - no single human being can claim to be expert in all the responsibilities of the office, from military strategy to economics, foreign relations to education. If such a person did exist, it likely would not be in the best interest of the country to hand him the reins of power; such an authority would be unlikely to yield to the judgment and insight of others, relying instead of their own expertise. A dangerous consolidation of authority would likely result. An expert in a single area of responsibility is a great deal more likely - there are countless examples of military or economic experts, top notch diplomats and educators. But which of these skills would best serve the people? The role of Commander-In-Chief is critical, but is a great military mind likely to have the disposition required for diplomacy? Would a policy wonk with an incredible understanding of economics have the sheer guts required to act boldly in the face of international threats?

Knowledge of specific subject matter is less important to a leader than analytical skills, honesty, compassion and courage of conviction. The President can surround himself (or herself) with a wide variety of experts in every area, capable of rendering ideas and suggestions to suit any situation. The true gift is the ability to sort through the varying proposals to find the combination that best serves the interests of the American people and the world. A desire for personal power is detrimental to the process, as is an overarching need for approval or adoration. The balance between confidence and hubris is delicate. We seek someone with the wisdom to separate the wheat from the chaff and the strength to stand up to the naysayers. Someone humble enough to put aside personal gain for the greater good, and with the emotional makeup to endure the inevitable hostility of the media.

So how can we determine, from a distance and with little time, whether this description fits Sarah Palin? How can we tell what kind of leader she would be? Her public life story speaks volumes.

She grew up in America's last frontier, the last place in this country where wood-burning stoves were not decorator accents, but utilitarian devices, essential to survival. A land where hunting was more a requirement than a hobby, where life was hard but good. We can see the strength of our early pioneers in her, of the spirit of survival against hard odds. How many of us would be as well equipped, if suddenly dropped in an Arctic wilderness, to carve out a living from the land? We have grown soft in the midst of all of our luxuries and conveniences and forgotten the rudimentary skills which were the reality of Sarah Palin's childhood. That, alone, speaks volumes about her character. She embraced and loved this life. Hunting trips at 3 a.m. were followed by school and voluntary participation in sports, with a competitive drive that helped take her school to the state championship. Even as a young girl, she was known as Sarah Barracuda. Even in a land where all around her shared her hardships, she stood out as exceptional.

After high school, she entered and won the Miss Wasilla Pageant, with the stated goal of earning a scholarship to pay for college. Finishing second in the Miss Alaska Pageant, she secured not only her scholarship, but also the Miss Congeniality award, a testimonial to her attitude toward others, and something her running mate has repeatedly stated is not among his credits in the U.S. Senate. As she matured, she maintained her drive and determination, whether in commercial fishing or the PTA. She has a record of seeking involvement in causes, first to try to improve her own children's education, then her small town, as first a city councilwoman and then mayor. At each step she earned the respect of her peers through her honesty and dedication, relying on her own performance to take her to the next level. There is no indication that she sought power for power's sake, rather that she sought justice and betterment for those she served. She sought the confidence and support of the people she represented, not the favor of others in political positions, and was rewarded with 74% of the vote in her reelection bid.

After her loss in her bid for lieutenant governor, she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, ultimately resigning the post in protest of ethics violations by members of her own party. She refused to accept the corrupt politics of her state, when succumbing and playing along would have been the far easier, and likely much more lucrative, path. Her race for governor was undertaken in the same spirit and with the same passion to clean up government in her state, again for the benefit of the people she governed. She has logged a record of accomplishments far too long to detail here in her short term of service and is wildly popular with Alaskans.

She has fought hard for her constituents, against corrupt politicians and big oil, and has brought her state to a much better place than it was just two years ago. She has walked the walk, cutting her own salary and benefits, selling a state jet and eliminating the governor's chef. She has cut both taxes and spending while prioritizing projects to bring the most good to the most people.

Through it all, she has maintained a home and been a loving and dedicated wife and mother. With a son now in Iraq, and a daughter about to marry, she and her husband, Todd, have passed their strength and character on to their children. Their devotion to family values is obvious.

While Governor Palin has not been a highly visible national or international politician, her entire life is testament to her readiness for the White House. She has exhibited intelligence and solid decision making abilities and the inner toughness of a leader throughout her life. Her dedication to open and honest leadership is rare in this era, as is her very real ability to understand the problems of the electorate - problems she understands because she lives them every day. She aspires not to amass great personal power or wealth, but to do everything she can to put our government of, by and for the people back on the side of the people. Her popularity has been won through gutsy campaigns for honesty at the risk of incurring enmity from her political peers. Like the pit bull with which she identifies, she has a strength beyond her small stature.

America could do much worse than put this woman a heartbeat away from the presidency. Throughout her life she has shown that she understands the intent of the founders of this great nation and will take great personal risks to uphold their vision. Sarah Palin is a woman of character, something all too rare in politics today.

Monday, September 08, 2008

A Day Well Spent

My daughter and I played hooky today. Actually, I prefer to think of it as investing a day in our future.

Yesterday, I got an email from the Kansas GOP, announcing a "Road to Victory Rally" with John McCain and Sarah Palin in nearby Lee's Summit, Missouri. No tickets, first come, first served, at a fairly small auditorium. The rally was to begin at 10:30, doors opened at 8:30. Having just heard about a rally in Detroit with astronomical turnout, I knew that we'd have to be there considerably earlier than 8:30 to make it in the door.

My daughter was enthusiastic, even after I told her she'd have to get up at 5 a.m. She could cover the rally for her school newspaper, for which she serves as Features Editor. That clinched the deal - not only would I be feeding my daughter's burgeoning love of politics and idealistic desire to keep our country strong, I would be facilitating quite a scoop for the West High School Epic! Camera, notepad and press credentials in hand, we set out, still rubbing the sleep out of our eyes.

We arrived before dawn, and had perhaps one hundred people in front of us in line. Within minutes, there were hundreds more behind us. It was a cold, rainy, blustery morning, and we shivered in spite of our excitement as we chatted with the other brave conservative souls around us in line. It's always a delight to take my daughter anywhere - she is intelligent, well-spoken, friendly and attractive, all characteristics which make her a target for her elders, who take it upon themselves to make sure this excellent young lady is properly educated. Numerous people struck up conversations with her, and she impressed them all with the depth and breadth of her knowledge of the state of politics in our nation today.

We were finally allowed into the building shortly after the promised 8:30 time, filtering in slowly, each of us passing through the required security procedures. We made our way up to the stage, staking our claim to a small bit of floor behind about five rows of people. It was a standing room only crowd that took nearly the full two hours until the rally began to fill the auditorium. The more people that came in, the more cramped and hot the space became. The chatter centered on Sarah Palin, obviously the big draw for the crowd.

A few minutes before the rally was to begin, an elderly man standing a few feet to my left fainted. The hours of standing and lack of breathing room were simply too much for him and he dropped to the floor. All of us around him struggled to make ourselves heard above the general roar of the crowd, calling for help. Paramedics made their way through the crowd in a few moments, and began checking his vital signs. They told him they should take him to the hospital to make sure he was ok, to which he stubbornly responded, "I'm not going anywhere! I haven't seen Sarah yet!" Within minutes, he was on his feet and being escorted to a chair nearer the stage, to the delight of all around him.

Finally the rally began. There were the requisite down ticket speakers, a Hillary supporter for McCain who was warmly welcomed by the crowd, and an emcee who coached us in the finer arts of coordinated shouting. The excitement was palpable when the last speaker finally left the stage and we knew the main attraction was about to begin.

At last, more than five hours after our arrival, there they were! The man and woman that we all believe will be our next President and Vice President! The sore feet and aching knees were forgotten as we gave voice to our endorsement of Senator McCain's selection of running mate. Several minutes of chaos followed, then, at last, the object of our collective adoration stepped up to the podium and began to speak.

The speech was not particularly new or different, but it didn't matter. We were equally as charmed and delighted with the words she spoke as we had been when first we heard them uttered as we sat glued to our televisions during the RNC. Her expressions were more relaxed, her mannerisms more natural, her presence utterly captivated the thousands who had gathered to show their devotion to this amazing woman.

I felt a bit sorry for Senator McCain in the face of the crowd's obvious preference for his chosen second in command. He has to know that his recent uptick in the polls is more because of her than because of his excellent character and obvious patriotism. But he seemed to be as captivated as the rest of us by this exceptional woman.

To our credit, we roared "John McCain! John McCain!" almost as loudly and supportively as we had bellowed "Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!" minutes before. And, to his, he spoke strongly, and came across much better in person than he ever has on television. We all knew that the man standing before us would give his very life to protect the nation he loved, and that knowledge was enough to quiet the doubts we all still feel about his reliability in supporting those issues that are nearest and dearest to our hearts.

All in all, it was a day well spent.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Palin's Pro-Life "Problem"

Sarah Palin emerged from remote Alaska and has, against all odds, completely altered the political atmosphere in America. She is obviously intelligent, extremely capable and very genuine. She's pleasant and likable, with a story of accomplishment that should be an inspiration for young women everywhere. Few among us would be upset to have daughters as well-rounded and confident as Governor Palin. Her story should make her a hero and a role model we, especially women, celebrate.

Instead, many women are rejecting her out of hand, primarily because of her adamant pro-life stance. They see her as threat to their right to choose, and would allow their disagreement on this single issue to render her unacceptable as a national political hero. They need to think this through.

As Vice-President, or even President, Sarah Palin would have no authority to impose her position on that, or any other personal issue, on the populace at large. She could speak out on the topic, and perhaps encourage or promote her views and the reasoning behind them, but she cannot unilaterally change the law of the land. Across this nation, thousands of religious leaders speak out on this issue on a regular basis. The camps on both sides of the argument are enormous, vociferous and passionate - there is little danger of her one voice altering the balance of the battle.

As a national leader, she could have influence over the appointment of justices to the Supreme Court, which could, conceivably, ultimately result in the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Such a reversal, however, would not automatically outlaw abortion in this country. Rather, it would send the question back to the states. It would take the battle back to the people, allowing each state to legislate the issue as it sees fit, according to the will of its citizens. To the best of my knowledge, there is currently no state with a law that says that, in the event of a reversal of Roe, abortion is suddenly and irrevocably illegal in that state. Not unlike the gay marriage issue, abortion would be decided by the majority of each state's population.

There are those who fear a Constitutional amendment banning abortion. This is extraordinarily unlikely - if the Equal Rights Amendment has not been able to garner enough support to become law in the 85 years since it was first introduced in 1923, and is a much less divisive issue, there is no chance that an anti-abortion amendment would fare any better. Simply stated, pro-life politicians and judges do not have the authority to strip women of their so-called right to choose, whatever their personal agenda.

Allowing this single issue to eradicate all of the positives of this woman is narrow-minded and not in the best interest of womanhood or, indeed, the country.

Sarah Palin is an outstanding representative of our gender. If we consider the whole package she embodies, few among us would wish her failure. She represents so much that we have sought to prove to our male counterparts for decades. She is one of us, as few nationally known women have ever been. To quote an old song, she can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, but not forfeit her self respect in the process. The softer, gentler, more nurturing side of her nature is readily evident even as she demonstrates her strength and inner fortitude.

American women will advance our larger cause by fully embracing and promoting this lady. Her accomplishments will reflect positively on her sisters and our role in a male-dominated world will be forever advanced by her success. The future of feminism, in the best possible definition of the word, stands to gain much in the coming months and years. It would be a shame if the short-sightedness of some members of our gender eradicated those gains.

Friday, August 29, 2008

"I finally have a hero"

Those were the first words my seventeen-year-old daughter said to me upon learning about Sarah Palin, John McCain's inspired vice presidential selection. It took only moments for her fertile and uncorrupted young mind to grasp the significance of this pick - the more cynical among us will follow in due course.

Senator John S. McCain won the election today. It will be another 67 days before the votes are counted, but this selection eclipses his decision to remain in the Hanoi Hilton, refusing early release, and will go down in history as the most game-changing choice of his political career.

By selecting Governor Palin to serve with him, McCain changed not only the course of the 2008 election, but the course of the nation. Had it been possible to build, from the ground up, the perfect candidate to round out this year's selections, we would have built Sarah Palin.

Americans have been governed nearly to death. Washington no longer represents us - even the best of our politicians comes up terribly short. We are overtaxed, overregulated and overburdened, desperate for change, but feel powerless to correct the situation. Barack Obama painted a dream early in the election cycle...the mere mention of the words "hope" and "change" were enough to get him through the Democratic primaries, despite having no experience, no record and a long history of unsavory relationships and positions. The American electorate knows instinctively that something must be done to change the course of politics in this country, but few pay enough attention to understand the devastating impact Obama's brand of change would bring. No matter - they would take their chances, because anything would be better than the status quo.

Today, John McCain destroyed the status quo, in a very positive way.

Sarah Palin is a woman of exceptional character and remarkable grit. On first glance, she is a somewhat diminutive person, attractive, with a spark in her eye and an air of intelligence. When she speaks, the intelligence shines through in her easy manner and well chosen words. She is obviously comfortable in her own skin, a trait that is far too rare in American women these days. She exudes confidence and ability, and it takes only a few minutes to learn to like her and begin to get a sense of her moral fiber. A lifelong athlete and sportsman, she has borne the strain of the years with a grace most of us could only dream of possessing.

She has a record of wrestling with bears and coming through without a scratch. Non-partisan, but conservative in the best sense of the word, she has shown that she understands not only the true role of government as defined by the founders of this nation, but also the meaning and importance of personal responsibility. Simply put, she "gets" it.

One has the feeling, watching this woman, that what she lacks in foreign policy experience would be more than offset by her patriotism, intuition and love of freedom. It is no stretch to imagine her explaining to the voters that she understands what it will take to cut fuel costs in this country, and that she needs their help - the Democratic Congress must be overturned. Her sincerity, honesty and competence shine like beacons of light in a weary world.

Already, she has energized and unified the Republican base. Her social conservative credentials surpass those of any man - her devotion to a son with Down's syndrome, a son she could easily have chosen not to have, give her credibility that no male could ever match (by contrast, Obama fought for the right to insist such children, should they survive an abortion, be left to die). Her fiscal conservativism is best demonstrated by her refusal of the funds designated for the "Bridge to Nowhere" - the most egregious example of our government's complete disregard for its citizens in the history of the land. When has any politician rejected a 223 million dollar gift from the federal government? It is almost impossible to comprehend in this era of corruption and bloated bureaucracy. She has breathed life into a conservative movement that was thought to have died with Ronald Reagan.

Women will vote for her by the millions. Many (most?) will vote for the wrong reason, simply because she is a woman, but, for once, the end will justify the means. And, perhaps, if we are very fortunate, her stellar example will inspire them to demand more from the next candidate asking for their vote.

In retrospect we will view this day as a turning point in the life of the United States, a day that changed the very rules of the game. For more than two centuries, women in this country have yearned to see one of their own in a position of real power in this country; this year, many thought that it would happen, in the person of Hillary Clinton. Few appreciate now the horrible implications that outcome would have wrought on the longterm success of the country, just as few appreciate now the enormity of the gift we have just been given.

Happy birthday, Senator McCain. And many happy returns.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Question of Judgment

It is no secret that Barack Obama lacks the resumé to occupy the Oval Office, but his supporters would have us believe that his experience matters far less than his judgment.

So the discerning abilities of the candidate are to be the measure of the man. Let us not forget that we are being asked to entrust what is arguably the most important, powerful office in the world to the winner of this election. This is not a beauty contest or an American Idol competition. Rather we will, through our votes, empower one individual with the representative voices of three hundred million, and entrust to him a large role in the course of each of those lives, the country, and, in a very real sense, the world. If his judgment is to be the criteria upon which we base our decision, it is entirely reasonable for us to demand that his judgment be impeccable - above critism.

Sometime between 1988 and 1991, Michelle Robinson, then an associate at the Chicago law firm Sidley and Austin, was assigned to mentor a new summer associate, Barack Obama. Subsequent events indicate that their professional relationship blossomed into much more than a summer assignment, as the two were married in October, 1992.

Also employed by Sidley and Austin was Bernadine Dohrn, wife of one William Ayers, both former members of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization responsible for riots, bombings and other acts of uncivil disobediance 1960's and early 1970's. While the exact sequence of events can be known only to the involved parties, it seems reasonable to presume that this business connection was the beginning of a long association between the Obamas and the Ayers.

Bill Ayers, in an article published as recently as, ironically, September 11, 2001, in the New York Times, regrets that he and his associates "didn't do enough" to accomplish their stated goals: ''Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at." One could reasonably argue that befriending such an individual evidenced questionable judgment.

Beginning in 1995, Barack Obama served as the first director of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a $49.2 million initiative intended to improve the quality of education in Chicago's public school system. The Challenge, co-founded by Bill Ayers, was completely unsuccessful in its efforts, showing absolutely no measurable improvement in any aspect of involved students' lives. There is no certain way to determine how closely this failure was linked to the efforts, or judgment, of the initiative's director, but it is certain that his friendship with the unrepentent Ayers continued.

Between the years of 1999 and 2002, Obama, again working with Ayers, served as a director of The Woods Fund, a Chicago nonprofit group which professes to help the disadvantaged. Among the downtrodden the fund found worthy of assistance was the Arab American Action Network, a Chicago Palestinian organization with close ties to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The Woods Fund provided two grants, totalling $75,000, to the AAAN. Surely this is not an example of the discernment Obama's supporters would have us include in our assessment of the candidate?

Ayers and Dohrn proved to be of still more assistance to the young Obama when he first ventured into the world of elected politics, hosting a coming-out party in the mid-1990's to launch his campaign for the Illinois Congress.

At the age of 26, Barack Obama joined the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where he would worship for the next twenty years, speak his marital vows and baptize his children. Styles of worship vary greatly in this country, but the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's brand of theology is far removed from what most of our citizens would label "mainstream." Exciting for the parishioners, perhaps, but hardly acceptable for the more modest majority of the population, particularly the strong racist and anti-American overtones that cannot be ignored. Mr. Obama called Wright his "spiritual mentor." Is Barack a racist? Anti-American? Or did he merely lack the judgment to distance himself from a brand of faith that would obviously offend the vast majority of those he hoped to govern? We cannot know with certainty, but either option fails the shrewdness test.

Just last month, Obama went on a whirlwind world tour, culminating in a speech given before an enormous crowd (assembled for a concert, not his speech, for the record). His preferred venue, the Brandenburg Gate, was deemed inappropriate (by those with better judgment than the candidate?), and he was forced to settle for second best, the Berlin Victory Column. This enormous, phallic-shaped monument was moved to its present location in 1939 by the Nazis, a fact which might give a discriminating candidate pause, but did not dissuade Obama. He addressed the crowd with his usual global focus, calling himself a citizen of the world, and including internationally-populist, anti-American rhetoric: "I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions." The wise man might think that this would not be the best way to win friends or influence the American people.

Following this grand tour, Obama was branded a celebrity and "The One" by his political opponents, and his poll numbers began to take a hit. Using his best judgment, he chose to fight this attack by moving his nomination acceptance speech from the convention hall which held a measly 20,000-plus people to the home of the Denver Broncos - capable of seating 75,000-plus. In a further show of his sapience, he erected a stage from which to deliver his next great diatribe - a stage bearing a striking resemblance to a Greek temple, worthy of the Gods. Surely everyone would see that he was just like them, just a very smart, very exceptional, very popular, very nuanced example of the species homo sapiens.

Of course, that was not the response to his grandiose idea - this was:

The errors in judgment cited here are just a few of the more blatant lapses exhibited by the man who would be President. There are many more, some less serious, others every bit as bad. His obvious willingness to blame America first for most of the problems of the world is deeply troubling, as is his complete lack of understanding of the finer points of foreign policy. Statements regarding renegotiation of NAFTA, an undivided Jerusalem, the need for both Georgia and Russia to step back from agression when Russia invaded its small, democratic neighbor all give us a great deal of insight into the judgment of this man. And to find it sorely lacking.

With the ever-increasing possibility of a reignited Cold War, can we take the chance of electing a Commander In Chief who has openly stated that one of his primary goals is to unilaterally rid the United States of nuclear weapons as a gesture of good will?

Are we as arrogant as the candidate himself? Do we belive that words, just words, can dissuade Russia from conquering its neighbors? Or that rhetoric and understanding can change Iran's mission to eliminate Israel with its "peaceful" nuclear program?

If the world is not willing to allow us to drive our SUV's, why should they embrace our unwillingness to despoil our own pristeen offshore areas with oil rigs?

And, closer to home, if he is truly "one of us," why can he not understand that we work hard for our wages, and, while willing to finance a military to protect our land, homes and families, we object strenuously to having those wages confiscated and distributed to the less industrious in the name of what his judgment leads him to believe is "justice" and "fairness?"

No resumé, no documented instances of showing good judgment. Nothing except hubris and a massively over-inflated ego. The United States simply cannot afford Barack Obama - he's just an empty toga.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

2008: The Year of the Lose-Lose Election

As November nears, it becomes increasingly obvious that whoever wins the American Presidential election this year, Americans themselves will lose.

Should Barack Obama find his bid for the highest office in the land successful, he will be supported by a majority Democratic Congress. The size of the majority is still open for debate, but it seems extremely unlikely in today's political climate that there will be fewer seats controlled by liberals in January than there are now. Should the advances of the left be large, it could well become nearly impossible to prevent them from uniting with their new leader to fully implement their platform. Given Obama's vaguely stated agenda, we can only guess at the proposals and programs he will advance, but certain known facts serve to educate our guess.

Illinois' junior Senator has a circle of friends more suited to a gangster movie than the White House. There is William Ayers, a radical, homegrown terrorist who sought to destroy his own country and, to this day, regrets only that he was not more successful in his efforts. Or the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, whose blatant racism and hatred of everything America stands for are somehow characterized as celebrating the love of Jesus Christ. Syrian-born Antoin Rezko is more reminiscent of The Godfather than a respected business and community leader. And these are only the stars of the Obama show - the other strong political influences in Senator Obama's cast of characters include Saul Alinsky, a radical left-wing revolutionary, Frank Marshall Davis, labor activist and member of the Communist Party, and many others of a similar ilk. These are not the ideological mentors most of us would choose for ourselves or our children - what possible reason could there be to choose them for our President?

The few glimpses of the Obama Doctrine that we have been able to deduce promise higher taxes in the name of fairer distribution of resources - from each according to his ability, to each according to his need. It didn't work when Marx proposed it - a system which removes all incentive to produce never will. He has hinted that he would unilaterally seek to disarm our Nation as a gesture of goodwill to a world which, if we believe what he and his wife tell us, harbors us no good will in return. He has promised to sit down face-to-face with the leaders of nations that are actively seeking our destruction, apparently believing that his rhetorical gifts alone will overcome maniacal religious beliefs and tyrannical pursuit of power. Can't we all just get along?

The list of reasons why it is absolutely unacceptable for this man to be elected to the most powerful office on the planet is long, and has nothing to do with the circumstances of his birth or the color of his skin - as Dr. Martin Luther King might have said, it is the content of his character which renders him untenable.

Surely the American electorate will realize this? The outlook is bleak. Americans, as a people, have become so complacent and uninformed it is nearly criminal. His supporters, more often than not, can give only one reason for their blind worship: change. He promises change. They are investing in him their own responsibilities - he has promised them that he will change the things they don't like. Which things they don't like? All of them, of course. How will he do this? He brings hope and has new ideas. What has he ever done to show that his ideas will change anything in your life for the better? The silence is long...finally, a muttered platitude: Well, he gives such great speeches! Great speeches. Pretty words. Giving the followers a blank canvas on which to paint their most beautiful dreams. Invoking good will in the masses - the same technique he plans to use on those rogue leaders. There's just one problem: the rogue leaders are paying attention and know that there is no substance behind the rhetoric...the ultimate paper tiger, with flowers in his hair. It will be the downfall of this and many other countries should this vacuous man emerge victorious.

However, even if he loses, our country still cannot win. Few are excited about John McCain as a President, but those of us who are paying attention know that there is absolutely no comparison in how he would govern. We would likely spend four years fighting bitterly against policies that are anathema to many of our strongest beliefs. We will win some of those fights, and lose others, some of which may be costly. But, in our hearts, we know that Senator McCain will always fight for the sovereignty of our Nation and would give his own life to protect her citizens. While we cannot exactly regard this as a complete win, neither can we call it a total loss. We can be confident that we would not have socialized medicine or massive taxes for the producers with generous gifts for the indolent, and our military would remain strong and able to furnish us the protection which is, after all, the first responsibility of our government.

So why is this still a loss?

For the last eight years, our citizenry has been deeply divided politically, in no small part due to the bitterly contested 2000 election. While every measure has shown, in retrospect, that the election was correctly settled, millions of our citizens, nearly all left-leaning, still regard it as an illegitimate election. They remain deeply wounded by this perceived injustice, and every controversial decision made by the Bush administration has, in their view, been wrong to the point of pure evil. This hatred and sense of injustice has grown in these people, feeding their almost living, breathing, desire for...change.

So desperate have they become that they have lost whatever critical thinking skills they may have once possessed. There is no amount of hard evidence that can penetrate the aura of the chosen one who will lead them out of their misery. They will follow him blindly, without regard for the reality that he will bring to their lives, because it is life's blood to them - finally, after all these years of personal suffering, there is hope! He is Prince Charming, the Messiah, even Santa Claus, come to fulfill their long oppressed dreams.

Were he to win, their illusions would quickly be dashed. The reality of his failing policies would snowball within a few months after his inauguration, making it impossible for them to continue to believe and leaving them hollow and disappointed as they watched their country decline.

But should he lose...

If he is beaten, they will never know the bullet they dodged. They will never realize how narrowly the free country that allows their dissidence escaped a course that would leave us with much less liberty, immeasurably less strength and greatly diminished dignity and pride.

All they will see is the imagined prejudice of those who voted against their Savior. The facts which the thinking can see without having them come to pass will never be in the grasp of these desperate souls. The pain they have carried for eight years will intensify to a peak heretofore unknown. They will resent the blindness of their fellow citizens and mourn the loss of the utopia they envisioned with all the passion of a bereaved lover. The split in our political soul, as a Nation, will be more deeply reft than ever before. The racial divide will be intensified to a level not seen in our lifetimes, if ever, for there will be no convincing the bereaved that their loss was not due to pigmentation.

This is a terrible year for our great America, perhaps the worst in her illustrious history. It is difficult at this moment to see how we can ever overcome the rift that will result on November 4th, regardless of the outcome of the vote.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Screaming Hypocrisy

Barack Obama believes that Americans should conduct ourselves not as we wish, or can afford, but as other nations would dictate, as evidenced by the following recent statement:

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK."

With increasing regularity, liberals assert that Americans must conform to the wishes of the world. We are hated, according to liberal doctrine, because of our failure to go along to get along. To paraphrase Obama, we are 3% of the global population consuming 25% of the world's resources. For the record, both of those percentages are inacurate - we comprise a larger percentage of the world population and consume a smaller percentage of the resources - but that's a topic for another day. The point is, we are selfish and greedy, the bully in the coatroom, bent on keeping the little guys down to feed our own voracious appetites. This they condemn emphatically.

Yet, consider their stance on the current energy crisis. We do drive our SUV's and heat and cool our homes, much to their dismay, and we have a vital and thriving economy which demands enormous amounts of energy. The primary source of that energy is oil, and far and away the bulk of the oil that drives our economy is imported from other nations. Global demand for oil is dramatically rising (apparently we aren't quite as efficient at oppressing the other guys as they would have us believe, since the little guys are also consuming vast amounts of energy to drive their own vital and thriving economies), and the increased demand is resulting, naturally, in increased costs. The only realistic relief for this dilemma is to dramatically increase the supply of oil that is available.

We are sitting on oil reserves of unimaginable size. Offshore, in ANWR, the Dakotas, shale oil...the list is long. Yet, we aren't accessing this oil. We have the technology. We have the means. We certainly have the desire. Still, billions of barrels of this desperately needed resource lie untapped beneath our land and seas. Why? Because we don't want to destroy even a few acres of our precious, pristine environment. Because we can't possibly consider risking a minor inconvenience to wildlife by using a tiny fraction of an arctic wasteland to extract that oil. Because we wouldn't dream of risking an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (although China is drilling in our Gulf). There are no better reasons than these. The liberals in Congress have blocked, time and again, efforts to open up our own reserves, to improve our refining capability, to generate more of our energy through nuclear power plants (by far the cleanest energy source known to man).

Consider for a moment how the rest of the world must see this reluctance to despoil our precious lands. We care not at all if their lands are spoiled. We simply expect them to provide what we need to survive as a nation without so much as a thought of the environmental consequences they may be suffering. Perhaps the reality is that they aren't suffering any environmental consequences - perhaps, as would be the case in ANWR and 200 miles off the Florida coast, their oil fields are not harming their lands. Perhaps the considerable slice of our Gross Domestic Product that finds its way to their coffers is more than adequate compensation for any tiny inconvenience a few acres of oil wells here and there pose. How ridiculous we must seem; how incredibly hypocritical, self-centered and short-sighted.

Such ignorance will be the downfall of our nation. At least, when we are facing economic destruction, we will have the comfort of knowing that the frozen tundra that is ANWR remains as barren, and pristine, as ever.