Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Positive Approach to Immigration Reform in the United States

(Edited and re-posted from a collection of earlier posts)

Summary of Recommended Reforms

The immigration problem in this country can be solved, rather than just poorly managed. Following the recommendations in this plan would result in having millions of illegal immigrants rush to leave the country voluntarily while saving American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

The key components:

- Secure the Border

- Form a Coalition of Governments to help eliminate corruption and improve economic and living conditions in Mexico and its southern neighbors

- Create a viable guest worker program to allow foreign workers to legally participate in our economy

- Create an Exit Incentive to encourage those here illegally to voluntarily leave the country

- Implement a zero tolerance policy for illegal immigration

We can reclaim our nation, improve conditions for millions of people in less fortunate circumstances and dramatically improve the security conditions in the United States. All at a fraction of the cost of the immigration plan being debated in the Senate. Read on to learn how.

Part I: The Wrong Approach

The current immigration legislation being debated in the United States Senate has ignited a firestorm of emotion from all concerned parties. It seems that Senator Ted Kennedy and, perhaps, President George Bush are the only ones who view it as a good piece of legislation. Why?

Quite simply, the bill takes the wrong approach to the problem. It takes a typical, big-government approach to dealing with an untenable situation. It seeks to impose more laws, more government control, more regulations and more complexity that cannot possibly be enforced. Those in government have proven to the masses, time and again, that they are poor managers, yet they relentlessly reach for ever greater control and influence on our lives.

Simple mathematics quickly illustrates the impossibility of the proposition before us. The proposed legislation includes a requirement for background checks for all illegal immigrants as part of the process of granting Z-Visas.

We are told that there are, at minimum, twelve million illegal aliens currently on our soil. If we base our calculations on the assumption that each of these background checks could be accomplished in only two hours – an insanely optimistic assumption – it would take twenty-four million man hours to perform this duty. If one thousand people work forty hours a week, fifty weeks a year to perform this task, it would take twelve years to complete – if not a single additional illegal joins their ranks. This is clearly not an acceptable proposition, and it is only the beginning of the horrendous paperwork mountain being deliberated. If each of these security checkers drew a modest annual salary of $50,000, the salaries alone would add up to $600,000,000. And that’s just beginning to scratch the surface of the costs of this legislation.

But beyond the physical enormity of the task, there is the question of its utter futility. The bill changes nothing. There is not even a whisper of an attempt to fix the situation; the focus is completely on controlling and managing uncontrollable and unmanageable conditions.

The American citizens have reached the boiling point. Too many of our family members have been negatively impacted by illegal immigrants. Far too many of our number have been murdered, robbed or molested. Our children’s schools are overflowing with non-English speaking students, stretching already limited resources to the breaking point. We pay ever more for health care to pick up the tab for those who can’t, or won’t, pay their own way. The daily newspaper tells an infuriating story of our tax dollars being used not to eliminate poverty among our citizenry, but to support people whose first act in coming to this nation was a crime. And there never seem to be any consequences for the offenders. Simply put, we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.

We see no relief in the proposals before us. The people creating the angst in our nation will actually be rewarded by having their crimes forgiven, and we will continue to pick up the bill. What’s more, there is little consolation in the proposed security measures – the plans for securing the border are much too little, far too late. We see a future filled with an endless stream of ever more offenders, a prospect which is beyond unacceptable.

If we attempt to look compassionately on those who bring us so much grief, we find that the future is not a great deal rosier for them than it is for us. They obviously love the land they felt compelled to leave, and have been denied the opportunity to live out peaceful, profitable lives there by individuals far more corrupt than they. Many of them live in abject poverty, and the proposals under consideration require payment of fines that are far beyond their means. It is unclear what consequences they will face if they are unable to pay these fines.

Still other of our southern neighbors have chosen to obey the law and fight it out in their own country, hoping that one day a guest worker program will allow them what they see as their fair share of the American Dream. They do not see that happening with this bill.

Yet the legislation goes forward. Senators line up to offer amendments, adding still more complexity to a lawmaking effort that was completely bereft of value from the onset. Any thinking man would know that there has to be a better way. The very sovereignty of our nation is at stake here, but we are told that we must compromise – we do not wish to compromise our futures and those of our children and grandchildren. We remember very well the founding principles of this great country and refuse to see them mangled in such a heavy-handed manner. How, then, do we solve this gargantuan problem?

Part II: Defining Success

Instead of seeking to contain a bad situation, suppose we take a step back and try to envision actual success. Is there an outcome that would be considered victory by the vast majority of the participants in this conundrum?

Americans, for all of our anger and blustering, are a compassionate lot. We don’t want people to suffer. We sympathize with their situation, but there’s a limit to how much we are willing to sacrifice to ease the pain of those who have violated our laws. We like immigrants, in general, but have a two hundred year history of accepting immigrants who wish, as our own ancestors did, to conform to the American way. We expect them to learn our language, follow our rules and change their culture to more closely match our own. Far too many of the current crop do not meet our expectations. We wish them happiness… elsewhere. The ideal solution for the vast majority of American citizens would be for all of the illegal immigrants to simply go back from whence they came.

Those living here illegally do not live in the America the rest of us know so well and love. Rather, they live in hiding, constantly looking over their shoulders; taking whatever jobs they can find where their status is not scrutinized and largely dependent on social programs for survival. They watch the news and are aware of our anger. Many are separated from their loved ones in their bid for a better life. They, too, would prefer that they could just go home, but the problems which drove them out have not been solved.

And our third group, those who long for the opportunity to come here to work, legally, don’t want to give up their homeland or their heritage. They want to strengthen their country and raise the standard of living for their families.

Instead of the immigration bill being so heatedly debated and belittled, we need an immigration bill that would fulfill all of these desires. Instead of spending over a trillion dollars perpetuating a crisis, we should spend far less, and accomplish far more.

Part III: A Win-Win Solution to the Immigration Debacle in America

Secure the Border

Any attempt at immigration reform must first control the border. In addition to millions of people, tons of contraband flow into this country from the south. Creating an impenetrable barrier between our nation and Mexico will benefit both countries. It will help America win the war on drugs, and help Mexico defeat the drug cartels by depriving them of their primary customer.

Acknowledging that we are involved in a global war on terror gives us even greater incentive to want to know who and what is coming into this country.

Erecting a two thousand mile fence is not the answer.

A full audit of the conditions on the border must be conducted to determine the requirements in each area; thousands more Border Patrol agents, electronic surveillance and fences must be used wisely and in combination.

Our Border Patrol agents must have the tools they need available to them and the support required to ensure that they don’t end up like Ramos and Compean – a truly horrendous situation that must never, ever be allowed to occur again (and a situation which I’m still waiting for President Bush to resolve….and waiting….and waiting…).

Form a Coalition of Governments

Beginning with Felipe Calderón in Mexico, we should create a coalition dedicated to the elimination of corruption in Mexico and Central and South America.

I’m not talking about invading or occupying, or pouring good money after bad in trying to aid our less fortunate neighbors. There have been strong signs recently that Calderón is making a sincere effort to clean up his country.

A big part of the problem he is facing is corruption in the police force and armed forces. If we invest in technology for their use, such as video cameras in police cars, we can help him root out the bad players. In addition, we can assist with training replacements; many of the illegal immigrants in our country are good, decent people, and would make excellent law enforcement personnel if properly trained.

Our coalition would be a shared operation, open to any nation which makes an honest effort to reduce crime and corruption and improve their own economies. It could not be merely cash given to corrupt politicians – rather, it would have to be a council of cooperative and motivated nations, discussing, advising and working together to improve the lives of all their citizens.
Instead of investing hundreds of billions of dollars trying to figure out who is here illegally, and finding ways to allow them to stay – when neither we nor those here illegally really want them to stay – we should invest in fighting the problems in their homelands that led them to come here in the first place. Many of the millions currently here miss their homes, their extended families and their culture, and would much prefer comfortable, legal lives in their homelands to illegal, second class lives here.

For each dollar we invested, we should insist they invest two. Oversight teams of thoroughly vetted individuals from all member nations would be appointed, and regular audits would be conducted to ensure that the money and effort were being properly applied to the most critical problems.

Our coalition should focus first on eliminating the drug cartels and those in government who support them. If the flow of illegal drugs is stopped, we will have improved our own nation dramatically while enabling our southern neighbors to live productive, fulfilling lives. Our commitment to support honest politics and growing economies will produce positive results around the world. The goodwill dividends alone would improve America’s standing with many countries who view us as arrogant and selfish.

This commitment should not be open ended in terms of time or money. An investment in the range of one hundred billion dollars over five years time should be enough to facilitate a major change in the living conditions of our southern neighbors. Improving conditions in their home countries is the best way to slow the flow of illegal immigrants. Few people living legally, in their own nation, with gainful employment, neighbors who share their cultural values and a web of extended family and friends would throw it all away to enter an unknown land illegally.

Create a Viable Guest Worker Program

America’s businesses need foreign workers, and foreign workers need America’s businesses. A guest worker program which is self-supporting is necessary to the economies of all involved.

The new program should be financially supported by those who use it, and tailored for efficiency. No tax dollars should be used to support a guest worker program.

Businesses should be obligated to make a reasonable effort to hire American citizens first, and only if that effort fails should they be allowed to hire individuals from other nations. Joining the guest worker program should include a per worker annual membership fee from both the employer and the employee to cover the costs of matching them up correctly.

When a business joins the program, they would report the expected number of employees they will require and the job skills that are required to fill these positions. The workers would apply for the program through a registration process which includes a one-time background check and references, similar to the applications required for most employment in this country. The costs of the background check would be assessed the worker. A database of requirements and availability could be used to match employees to positions.

Immigrants already living illegally in this country who have a clean record and steady employment should also be allowed to join the guest worker program. They should have to pay the annual program fee for their prior years of employment, and provide proof of employment and character references from three American citizens. Failure to do so would render them ineligible for the program and subject to deportation.

Employers should be required to pay at least the current state or federal minimum wage to these workers, and the workers should be required to pay all local, state and federal taxes, including Social Security, that would be assessed an American citizen. Should the worker eventually attain citizenship, they should be entitled to receive whatever Social Security benefits their total payments would entitle them to receive, as would any other American citizen. If they never attain citizenship, their contributions to the program go into the pool to support retiring American citizens.

Guest workers should be required to file annual income tax returns and should be entitled to refunds, if applicable. Benefits that would be available to American employees should be available to guest workers as well, on the same terms. The intent is to provide workers to do jobs that Americans will not do, not to create a new poverty class in the United States or to take advantage of those less fortunate.

No term limits should be applied to the worker program, but the employer should be required to re-post all positions filled by guest workers at least once annually to American citizens and citizens who are qualified for the jobs they seek should be given precedence over those in the guest worker program.

Employers would also be required to submit annual reviews of the workers they employ from the program, and report any dismissals or terminations. Any guest worker convicted of having committed a crime (misdemeanor or felony) would permanently lose eligibility for the guest worker program and be sent back to his native country after having served the required punishment for the crime. A guest worker should be allowed to remain in the country as long as he/she is obeying the laws, remaining gainfully employed and providing a valued service.

These guest workers should be entitled to protection and basic rights, but not the full constitutional rights of American citizens. Police, fire, innocent until proven guilty are all basic human rights in this country – Medicaid and other entitlements are not, and should not be available to any non-citizen.

If both parents in a family are participating in the guest worker program and have year-round employment, their children should be allowed to live with them and attend public schools – but be taught exclusively in English. Assuring that their children learn English is the responsibility of the parents, not the schools. As with their parents, the children could stay in school as long as their behavior was acceptable and they applied themselves to their work. Repeated or serious disruptive behavior would result in their expulsion, and, depending on the seriousness of the offense, deportation.

Seasonal guest workers or guest workers with only one family member employed should not be entitled to bring children into the country.

Create an Exit Incentive Program

In conjunction with efforts to improve conditions in their native lands, an incentive program should be implemented to encourage those here illegally to return home. For a one year period, any individual here illegally with no additional criminal behavior should be offered a monetary incentive to leave voluntarily.

The program would require positive identification, fingerprinting and DNA samples to guarantee that no one could receive more than a single incentive. In addition, each recipient would be required to sign a statement acknowledging their status, their receipt of the incentive, and their understanding and agreement that, should they be caught in this country illegally again, they will be subject to an automatic ten year prison sentence, without benefit of trial.

In return, they would receive a voucher upon leaving the country that could be redeemed at a bank in their native land, upon presentation of positive proof of identification and verification by the United States. Anyone who participated in this program would permanently forfeit eligibility for the guest worker program, but would retain the right to apply to legally immigrate to the United States and potentially attain citizenship, through the same channels and with the same requirements as any other immigrant.

For those immigrants who are legitimately poverty stricken and seeking a better life for their families, an incentive of $5,000 for an individual and up to $15,000 for a family, coupled with the improving conditions in their homeland, would be a powerful inducement to depart, particularly when combined with the final major element in the reform plan – absolute intolerance for illegal immigration.

Implement a Zero Tolerance Illegal Immigration Policy

The security of our nation demands that we be able to track who is in the country. It is intolerable that approximately one in every twenty individuals living on our soil (five percent of 300,000,000 is 15,000,000 – about the number of illegal aliens by current estimates) is unidentified and completely unaccountable to our government. Intense efforts to dramatically reduce this ratio must be implemented. Following the one year grace period of the Exit Incentive program, illegal immigration should be severely punished.

The laws against employing those here illegally must be absolutely enforced. With a legitimate and effective guest worker program in place, there will be no excuse for employers to hire outside the program. Significant fines and punishments including jail time, for employers as well as illegal employees, should be available to our officials to enforce these laws.

Our constitution must be amended to eliminate anchor babies. Any child born to parents who are in this country illegally must be considered an illegal as well, and deported along with the parents.

Any individual caught residing in or trying to enter the country illegally must be immediately deported, without benefit of trial. A second offense should be punishable by a year in prison followed by deportation, third and successive violations should incur ten years imprisonment. Any individual convicted of any felony crime while in the country illegally should be sentenced to ten years prison time in addition to the prescribed punishment for their offense. Anyone violating immigration laws would permanently forfeit eligibility for the guest worker program, legal immigration and citizenship.

Absolutely no government assistance of any kind should be available to those here illegally. Those who choose to violate our laws must do so at their own peril and must bear full consequences for their actions. Only through absolute enforcement can we provide sufficient deterrent to eliminate this dangerous and extremely costly problem. Only by eliminating all enticement to come to this country illegally can we protect the sovereignty of our nation and the rights of her citizens.


This proposal, while rough and incomplete, provides a positive solution for all three of our concerned groups.

American citizens would finally get the secure borders we have been promised for decades, and upon which our security so desperately depends.

Millions of people here illegally would accept the Exit Incentive rather than risk being unceremoniously deported or imprisoned.

The tax burden associated with supporting these individuals would be dramatically reduced.

Employers would have access to the workers they need to survive, with complete assurance that they were acting lawfully.

We would be able to hold our heads high, secure in the knowledge that we had made a good faith effort to improve the lives of millions of people in less fortunate nations by improving conditions in those nations – we would take particular satisfaction from helping those who never broke our laws by coming here illegally in the first place.

It would give us what we most desire – for most of the illegals to leave, without feeling that we were mistreating them or condemning them to horrible conditions.

For those who object to paying people to leave the country, a little perspective is required. The immigration plan currently being considered in the Senate has an estimated price tag of more than one trillion three hundred billion dollars – that’s $1,300,000,000,000.00! If twenty million individuals took advantage of the incentive program, it would cost one hundred billion dollars, less than 8% of that price. Five thousand dollars per individual is a small price to pay for having them voluntarily report, be positively identified and documented, and go home, without our immigration enforcement people having to put forth an ounce of effort.

The total cost of this proposal would be perhaps one-third the cost of the Senate’s proposal, and would solve most of our immigration problems rather than perpetuating and exacerbating them.

Those here illegally would be given choices they currently lack. Those who are established in this country and assimilating to our way of life could choose to participate in the guest worker program and perhaps, in time, become United States citizens.

Others could choose the Exit Incentive and return to their improving homelands with a means of support until they could find employment there – perhaps even taking advantage of training for police or military jobs offered them in this country prior to their departure.

Those choosing to depart would be given time to wrap up their affairs in this country before leaving. Assuming they had committed no crimes, their records would be clean and they would be free to pursue citizenship in the future.

Those who have played by the rules could apply to the guest worker program without exorbitant fees. And all of their fellow citizens would benefit from the investment our coalition made in their country in terms of better living conditions and improved economies, whether they had any interest in any of the other programs or not.

The remaining illegal immigrants would face very well defined and strict penalties, and their numbers would be sufficiently reduced to make enforcement of those penalties much more viable and practicable.

America’s standing in the world would be enhanced by implementing such a plan. It would be fair to all involved, humanitarian to those less fortunate, and would create positive ripples across the globe as the economies of our southern neighbor nations improved and they became more active in global trade and production.

Certainly there are difficult tasks involved in its implementation, but the positive outcomes would more than justify the effort required.

It is undeniable that corruption is a mainstay in the governments of many of the countries from which our illegal immigrants come, and there would be great resistance to our efforts to clean up their countries. Through a strong public relations campaign, however, we could sufficiently motivate the good citizens of those countries to join us in pressuring their governments – witness the massive rallies and demonstrations in Venezuela if you need proof of this.

There are decent governments that would buy in to the coalition plan to get things moving, and the lure of billions of dollars in aid would be difficult for even the most corrupt leaders to resist. We cannot hope to guarantee free, prosperous societies for all of these people, but we can guarantee our firm commitment to do all we can to help them help themselves. Our good faith effort to help those less fortunate will be admired around the globe, and the burden on our country vastly lightened.

The sovereignty of this nation is far too critical to all of our global neighbors to allow it to be horribly diluted as would happen should the Senate immigration bill be enacted into law. Please help me get the word out that there is a better way, for all concerned.


  1. Absolutely brilliant!I have wondered why any illegal immigrant would come out of "hiding". Your incentive idea is the only one that will work!SBII

  2. I know you wouldn't ask for honest opinions unless you expected them. Also I applaud your asking the opinion of someone who does not exactly subscribe to your ideology. I also applaud your initiative. Better than any politition I have heard.

    What I like about your Approach to Immigration:

    Form a Coalition of Governments to help eliminate corruption and improve economic and living conditions in Mexico and its southern neighbors

    I know this is proposed in relation to immigration, but we should always be interested in making our neighbor’s life and livelihood better even if we aren’t doing it for our own selfish interests.

    It seems to me trading a big government approach for another big government approach, but it is not a rehash of what hasn’t worked and what will not work.

    When you are in a sinking boat, the first order of business is not bailing out water; it is stemming the flood of new water coming in. Bettering the economic situation in all the countries in our hemisphere (world) would lead to less and less of a tide of new undocumented immigrants and possibly a reversal of the tide if as you suggest, they would prefer not to be here.

    In a spirit of compassion and good will, I would want them to be wherever it is that they would be happier to be. If they would be happier in their home country, by all means, make it more feasible for them to be there.

    Then (if necessary) we deal with the estimate 12 million here un-accounted.

    What I am unsure about regarding your Approach to Immigration:

    Create a viable guest worker program to allow foreign workers to legally participate in our economy

    Guest worker programs in general are side steps. There is a law or there isn’t. Anything else is just linguistic maneuvering.

    First of all the title “guest worker” bugs me. I like Barney Frank’s take on it: That is really one of the great oxymorons of all time: a 'guest worker.' I mean, do you have someone say, 'Oh, welcome to my house; would you go clean the bathroom?'"

    I think a better term for these people would be “employee”. I think that the employers who employee persons here without documentation should be “illegal employers”. Let’s see how long that would fly.

    What I am hesitant about regarding your Approach to Immigration:

    Create an Exit Incentive to encourage those here illegally to voluntarily leave the country

    This is my next to least favorite part of the suggested approach. It is innovative (a good thing) and it could work. I am just not sure that I want it to work. My first reaction was “what if they all left? “
    These people are performing 12 million jobs here. I think if they all left it could shut down our economy. Certainly there would be industries that would be crippled. (Does anyone want to guess how much it would cost to get a house roofed without these workers?) I know there are many who don’t care about the consequences of losing these workers. I fear the whole issue creates yet another culture of us and them. Instead of creating a culture of inclusiveness, it is yet more divisiveness. Whatever happened to the idea of the community of man?

    That being said, I think that this as it relates to the Coalition of Governments issue earlier, should alloy people who would be happier in their home country get there and be happier there.

    What I don’t like about regarding your Approach to Immigration:

    Secure the Border

    Implement a zero tolerance policy for illegal immigration

    I don’t think that immigration should be an issue at all. I think we need to make America the kind of place people want to permanently immigrate to and have a productive and happy life. I think the immigration we see today is because most of these people think there existence here is temporary. Most are underprivileged, undereducated, individuals who don’t know how to make the system work for them.

    In the first 100 years of our country, there were no restrictions on immigration. No such thing as an illegal immigrant, just immigrants. It was 1875 before the government put the first restrictions, no prostitutes and no convicts. Soon after, all sorts of people fell out of favor with our government. No ex-convicts, Chinese citizens, lunatics, idiots, paupers, polygamists, and people suffering from infectious diseases or insanity. Barring lunatics and idiots? Shit that is half the people I know. (Present company excluded, of course)

    Now it is en vogue to want to limit who can come here based on everything. It is no longer “your tired, your poor” it is unless you are a world renowned physicist, the back of the line is 5 years down that hallway and the answer is probably no. So do you want to get in line or just cross an unsecured border and make the best of it?

    Like many problems in our society, we have made this the mess it is. We are all so afraid that someone is going to come here and take our jobs, that we are easily swayed to deny entry to all. When was the last time that you drove down a street and did not see 50 help wanted signs? I am telling you that those without jobs are not without opportunity. Make your own luck.

    On securing the borders, I like the fact that you are opposed to the “big fence” idea. I believe that protecting our country from terrorist and criminals can be more productively done by focusing on prime targets that have been duly investigated and found to be a plausible threat instead of banning everyone, giving everyone a nametag or ID card or mark of the beast (that was a joke, if you couldn’t tell).

    The part of the whole immigration mess that bothers me the most, is allowing persons who do not contribute to a social system to benefit from that system. So pay taxes, pay Social Security, or don’t expect it to pay you.

    As far as the language thing, it doesn’t bother me at all other that the inconvenience of having to order my Taco Bell in Spanish (did you know Bellgrande isn’t Spanish, Hell according to my spell checker it isn’t even a word).

    I like the Idea of building a 2000 mile long WalMart on the border. That way customers could come in the front door and employees can come in the back door and at the end of the day everybody goes to their perspective homes.

    I leave with one more quote, this from Bill Maher (one of my heros)

    "America is becoming much more multi-cultural than it was in the 1950s. That's just a fact. And I think, to some people, it looks like people who are around - especially white, heterosexual men in the 1950s - they're kind of like the Sunnis in Iraq. They're losing their monopoly on power and they're pissed off about it."

    Left of Center

    P.S. I love you

  3. I would like to know why the people with common sense such as yourself is not in control of our government instead of the "afraid to hurt somebody's feelings" jerks.
    I would also like to see the numerous LOANS to various countries have not been paid back and not even a request for payment made if this happened we would be a country that would be well off and could afford to put the money into our medical and retirement programs! Thank you kindly and I would like to be able to play at least some small part.

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