Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Letter to the White House

Over the years, I have been a staunch defender and supporter of President Bush.

I adamantly disagreed, before the fact, with the decision to invade Iraq, but have defended the decision loud and strong, and pulled as hard as any American for our wonderful Armed Forces. I believe President Bush has been an admirable Commander In Chief, and I will forever be grateful for his strength in the face of so much adversity from within and without.

However, the spending increases in this Administration are absolutely unforgivable. I have watched in horror as Republicans, Republicans!, have taken this country to the cleaners with the prescription drug plan and a host of other irresponsible fiscal decisions. I have been appalled by the enormous budget increases year upon year. Conservatism has taken a hit in the last eight years not seen in a Republican Administration in my lifetime. As a fiscal conservative, I feel horribly betrayed.

Now, we have an issue that could win back the House, and save us from a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. CRA and the Democratic machinations that have been the primary factor in this financial crisis are more powerful than any issue we have ever had to use against them. And our leaders are silent. God Bless the House Republicans who still remember the principles on which this Great Nation were founded! They are yelling, at the top of their lungs, going against their President, against the party's nominee for President, against all the House leadership, to try to salvage whatever few scraps of true American spirit still remain in this spineless population. But their voices are largely going unheard. This Administration has nothing left to lose. In 112 days, it will be over. This is your last chance to save this country from the ever increasing socialist tendencies of Congress.

We have supported you for eight long years. We have argued the case for Iraq when it appeared certain to all that it was a lost cause. We have stood proudly with the Republican Party, donating our time and money to advance the cause. And now, for all our efforts, we are being kicked in the teeth and told that this unbelievably irresponsible government, fraught with corruption, special interests and lust for power, knows better than we do, better than the economic experts, and will save us all.

I personally lost thousands of dollars from my 401k in the stock market decline yesterday. I watched as the Dow plummeted, with a huge grin on my face, because I so completely supported the refusal of those few brave souls in the House of Representatives to sell out. I would lose every nickel of it, and take my chances on my own future, because I still believe in the America of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and Nathan Hale. Unlike our elected leaders, I still have my principles, and no one can take that from me.

It is time to take a stand, Sir. It is time to speak out against this horrible bailout, to point fingers at Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and, yes, Barack Obama, the three men most responsible for putting this Great Nation in its current position. It is time to return to the principles on which this country was founded. It is time to remember how we became the greatest country on Earth, and to return to the ideals that brought us this far. It is time for our Government to remember that it is of the people, by the people and for the people. It is time to do the right thing for your country.

Best personal regards,

April Clark

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