Thursday, October 09, 2008

Go Ahead...Call Me a Racist

Productive Americans are angry.

The global economy is in total meltdown. We are watching our savings plans evaporate before our very eyes, while governments around the world throw billion after billion of taxpayer dollars (OUR dollars! As if the losses we're already taking aren't enough!) on economic problems that are threatening to annihilate life as we know it. It's like fighting a forest fire with a squirt gun.

I am not responsible for this crisis. I am not, in any way, a contributor to this crisis. I pay my bills. I have a mortgage on my house that, in twenty years, has never missed a payment. It's not that I'm rich, it's that I'm responsible. If I can't afford new clothes (I can't) or don't have the price of a movie or meal at my favorite restaurant (I don't), I do without. I have a number of credit cards, none of which carry a balance from month to month, and none of which have ever been paid a single day late. In short, I believe in personal responsibility.

This whole financial crisis began as a Democrat social engineering project. In the name of fairness, Democrats in Congress, aided first by Jimmy Carter, then Bill Clinton in the White House, passed laws which, in a nutshell, forced banks to lend to people who had no business borrowing money. It is, of course, a lot more complicated than that...if you want to watch an excellent video that explains the whole mess in detail, click here. My goal is not to explain the technical details, but the spirit of the problem.

Congressional Democrats, in a bid to further cement the votes of minorities, passed laws that facilitated the acquisition of ridiculously large mortgages by people with ridiculously small qualifications. Some of these people were undoubtedly misused by greedy lenders who had nothing to lose on the deal. Some were simply unrealistic and believed they would be able to make the enormous payments when they finally came due. Others were unscrupulous speculators, gambling on the rising values of real estate to secure their own personal fortunes. And many were downright dishonest - they knew at the outset that they wouldn't be able to meet the obligation they were making, and didn't care. We now know that there are, literally, millions of bad mortgages out there that were given to illegal immigrants, with fake or stolen Social Security numbers and no credit history...many with no job. None of them, however, were believers in personal responsibility. None of them gave any serious thought to consequences.

And, of course, the Democrats' ploy was successful - they won the votes, and consequently, the power, they sought. Now, when their house of cards has crumbled, they have the unmitigated gall to point fingers at Republicans and blame deregulation for the crisis.

The only sin of the Republicans in this matter was their relative silence, borne of a lack of understanding of the repercussions and scope of the problem. Few of us are economic experts, and there are fewer still in Congress. The warnings were there, but those sounding them didn't scream loudly enough to get the point across to the blowhards who could have changed the situation. I do hold the Republicans responsible, but to a much smaller degree than their counterparts across the aisle.

The Democrats, however, should be prosecuted for this offense. Their complete disregard for playing by the rules is criminal. Through their actions, they have caused millions (billions?) of people to lose large portions of their retirement accounts, put people out of business, even caused murders and suicides. Their relentless pursuit of power, at any cost, has resulted in a cost far too big for the world to bear. Greed, stupidity and ego are not excuses - these people are the worst kind of criminals.

From the very beginning of this crisis, Barack Obama has been in it up to his neck. He worked training representatives for ACORN in Chicago in the early 90's who went on to protest in banks and force formerly responsible, intelligent bankers to give loans to the downtrodden poor, when any fool could see that the loan was not deserved. Obama actively promoted this practice, used his position on charitable boards to help fund it, and now has the audacity to sell himself as qualified for the highest office in the land, the man who will "change" it all. The man is a socialist, a fraud and a liar unlike any this nation has ever seen competing for the office of president.

And now, in less than four weeks, we have an election. And the very downtrodden, underprivileged people who share no small part of the blame for our current situation will, once again, turn out in hordes to vote for their champions. This in spite of all the stories that we read about the very objects of their adoration disrespecting them, looking down their elite noses at the soiled masses. The throngs of poor, underprivileged people who pay no taxes, and less attention, who go through life with their hands out, seeking gifts they apparently believe they deserve simply because they exist, will turn out to vote for the criminals who have made their careers by legislating these gifts. And, because their numbers have grown dramatically while the numbers of the responsible have dwindled, large numbers of the criminals will be returned to office, to continue their Robin Hood ways, robbing those who produce to give to those who do not. Anyone who dares to try to point out the untenable position they take is labelled a racist. Quite a convenient little arrangement they have here - they use their handouts to create a permanent welfare class, they foment racism by painting every criticism as racist. They use their influence with the teachers' union to insure that a good education is not available to help the victims rise above it all, they regulate, confiscate and control the very life out of the people they are supposed to represent.

I don't care what color a person happens to be. Never in my life have I made a decision about a person on the basis of their skin color. But no one has the right to take my hard earned income without my permission. The knowledge that there are millions of people in this country who have no stake in the future, who pay no taxes, own no property and have no self respect, who can vote for people who will appropriate my income and seek to control my very freedom infuriates me beyond belief. I have no use for the uninformed, and less for the devious. The Democrats in Congress are both.

1 comment:

  1. Rarely have I read anyone who so sucsinctly echoes my exact feelings. This woman is the epitome of truth and strength and the American way. Our leaders on the liberal side of congress have not only failed us, they have destroyed us. Please urge those who can to take legal action against those who are responsible.
