Friday, October 31, 2008

Hey, Barack! We're not for sale!

Senator Obama, you missed the point.

This country wasn't founded to give away free college educations, guaranteed housing or universal health care. This country, unique in the world, was founded to give opportunity. You see, the whole idea was to create a place where men, and women, of all colors and persuasions, could choose their own futures by virtue of their own abilities and desire. The plan was to create an environment highly favorable to the human spirit and to allow the individual the space to produce. It was never intended that we expect something for nothing here. We ask not for handouts, but offer a hand up to those around us in need. We take care of our own. We work hard, and strive to provide more for our families. We do these things because we are good people and because we know that our successes will be first our own, not because those we elect to protect our rights choose instead to take them away.

With this freedom comes personal responsibility. It is the duty, and right, of every citizen of this country to make their own future to the best of their ability. There will always be those who lack the ability to care for themselves, and it is our responsibility to assist them. But if we are to be our brothers' keepers, it should be by our choice, not yours. If we work hard and do well, we should be allowed to determine how our earnings are distributed, not a bunch of crooked bureaucrats in Washington D.C. You call it selfishness - we call it the only workable system of governance. Only if we have hope that we can change our own futures do we have a reason to try. Who would do anything if there were no ultimate reward? Where would we be as a nation if there were no incentive to work? That's what it's all about, Senator. You've been reading the wrong books - put down the Alinsky and pick up Ayn Rand.

You see, you and Karl Marx have it exactly backward. The line should read, "To each according to his ability, from each according to his need." Think about it.

Sorry, Barack. You can't have our American Dream.

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