Saturday, October 18, 2008

Joe the Plumber, Joe America

Joe the Plumber is just a guy. He could be Bob the Fry Cook, or Jenny the Sales Clerk, or Juan the Barber. It doesn't matter.

The media have been doing their own plumbing job on Joe, telling us that he is not what he pretends to be. What does he pretend to be? Did he ask Barack Obama to thrust him into the national spotlight? Did he make any claim that he currently earned more than $250,000 a year? And, more importantly, why does any of that matter?

Joe is really Joe America. He could not be Joe France, or Joe Kenya, or Joe Venezuela. But, because he had the good fortune of being born in the United States of America, he has something billions of people around the world do not - a dream.

Only in America is Joe possible. Joe is just a little guy now, but he has big plans. He plans to acquire a business, improve his standard of living and that of his family, and hire workers, creating jobs that will move our economy forward. He is not asking for help or handouts, he does not expect it to be easy. Joe is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, and he knows that his success rests in his own hands. No where else on earth does the general population have the opportunity to create success the way we, as Americans, do.

There is a reason for the phrase "The American Dream." Note that you have never heard that phrase with any other country's name substituted for America - there is no Norwegian Dream or Russian Dream. But the American Dream - it is sought by millions of people, in every country, and represents an ideal that was born when this nation was born; an ideal that has given unparalleled hope to generations. The American Dream. It means different things to each of us, but the overarching meaning is clear and universal - it is the ability to advance one's standing, to improve the conditions in which one lives, to have a better tomorrow. It is the product of freedom, unthinkable in the absence of liberty. Only in America can the poor become the wealthy through hard work, dedication and personal responsibility. This has been a cornerstone of our nation since its inception over 230 years ago.

Joe understands this. He doesn't want handouts or material support, he doesn't expect anyone to make his path easy for him. He wants only that which has been the birthright of every American since the beginning - the freedom and opportunity to make his own American Dream come true. He understands that the true purpose of government is to protect his rights, not limit them. He doesn't believe that he should be punished for his hard work and personal sacrifices, but should be allowed to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

In the end, that's what this election is all about. Personal freedom, personal responsibility. The media would have us believe that Joe is a phony, because he isn't already a business owner, and doesn't fit their definition of wealthy. In fact, Joe is wealthy beyond their wildest imaginings. Joe has his American Dream.

Maybe Joe will never own his own business. Maybe he will never earn a quarter of a million dollars a year. Maybe his dreams will fall short. As long as those shortcomings are of Joe's own making, so be it. If Joe isn't willing to work hard enough, or to be thrifty enough, to make his own dreams come true, then he will have no one to blame but himself. But if politicians, through their policies and laws, rob Joe of his dream, it is a very different thing.

When politicians overstep their role as protectors and presume to have superior insight to those they govern, freedom suffers. When laws are passed mandating that the productive few are responsible for the livelihood of the fruitless masses, liberty grieves. When all incentive to succeed is purloined, the American Dream will die. Without our dreams, we cease to be exceptional. Without our dreams, we cease to be.

We are all Joe. Each of us, whatever our skill or standing, wants more for our children, a better future. That is the very essence of the American spirit. The fact that it remains possible for us is our greatest gift, one that we should never take lightly. Obama's desire to "spread the wealth around" is more accurately a quest to strip this nation of its soul against which each of us should rail mightily. With his simple question, Joe the Plumber stripped aside all the rhetoric and platitudes, and illuminated the ugly truth for all to see. Our dreams are not safe in the hands of Barack Obama. And if we give up our dreams, we die.

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